BALTIMORE, MD (July 16, 2013) — Paul Kurtz, CyberPoint's Chief Strategy Officer, will discuss the aviation industry's cybersecurity challenges. On August 13, 2013, he will serve on a panel addressing "The Connectivity and Cybersecurity Challenge," at AIAA Aviation 2013. Among his topics will be how the aviation industry can move to safeguard its vital systems now, as opposed to reacting to a successful cyber attack. Kurtz will be joined by panelists from Boeing, Los Angeles World Airports, the Chertoff Group, and Lufthansa.
A recognized cybersecurity expert, Kurtz has held senior positions in both industry and government. He was the founding Executive Director of the Cybersecurity Industry Alliance (CSIA), an advocacy group dedicated to ensuring the privacy, reliability, and integrity of information systems through sound public policy, technology, education, and awareness. During his government service, Kurtz was Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Critical Infrastructure Protection on the White House's Homeland Security Council (HSC). He joined HSC from the National Security Council (NSC), where he was both Senior Director for National Security in the Office of Cyberspace Security and a member of the President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board. He served on the NSC as Director for Counterterrorism from 1999-2001, and helped manage the response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics will devote this year's conference to the risk of the evolving cyber threats to the world's $2.2 trillion commercial aviation sector. Leading cybersecurity experts will address the AIAA August 12 to 14 at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza, Los Angeles, Calif. To learn more about Aviation 2013, visit
See the Wall Street Journal for an account of the conference and its agenda.
At CyberPoint, we work to create a future where individuals and organizations from across the globe can operate safely and securely in cyberspace and benefit from the technological innovations that increasingly connect our world. A rapidly growing cybersecurity company, CyberPoint integrates and delivers innovative, leading-edge services, solutions, and products to protect what's invaluable to customers worldwide. We discover the threats and vulnerabilities that expose data, systems, and infrastructure to compromise, we quantify risks, and we design defenses that provide critical protection.
CONTACT: CyberPoint International, LLC,