CyberPoint Develops DarkPoint, a New Tool Applying Machine Learning to the Problem of Automating Malware Analysis

BALTIMORE, MD (January 14, 2013) — Two critical problems facing security teams today are how to prioritize resources against the problem of analyzing malware and how to catch the threats that have not been seen before. CyberPoint's DarkPoint tackles both challenges head-on with an easy-to-use tool that employs machine learning and expert systems technology to adapt to unknown threats and continuously improve its detection and analysis capabilities. "You don't need to be an expert analyst or reverse engineer to use DarkPoint," says Dr. Mark Raugas, CyberPoint's research director. "Uploading and managing files to DarkPoint is easy, and DarkPoint gives users the information they need to make decisions in plain language, including easy-to-understand reports. Experts can dive in and get as much detail as they like about samples under analysis." DarkPoint is also a customizable platform that can be configured to meet the special needs of organizations. With easy-to-understand API, DarkPoint can integrate with a wide variety of analyzers and analytic tools. Learn more about DarkPoint at by emailing


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At CyberPoint, we work to create a future where individuals and organizations from across the globe can operate safely and securely in cyberspace and benefit from the technological innovations that increasingly connect our world. A rapidly growing cybersecurity company, CyberPoint integrates and delivers innovative, leading-edge services, solutions, and products to protect what's invaluable to customers worldwide. We discover the threats and vulnerabilities that expose data, systems, and infrastructure to compromise, we quantify risks, and we design defenses that provide critical protection. Learn more here.



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