At CyberPoint, we've worked on some amazing projects, developed innovative products and services, and have been granted a few U.S. Patents along the way. CyberPoint is a leading global cybersecurity firm that provides a suite of products, consulting services, and technical support. We not only excel in our projects, but also believe in holding ourselves accountable to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Using our millions of hours of experience, we've created innovative cyber security products: CATO & DarkPoint!

DarkPoint: Scanning Artifacts for Known or Unknown Threats

Leveraging the power of open-source and patented CyberPoint technology, DarkPoint conducts flexible but powerful analyses of supported file types in near-real-time.

DarkPoint puts a powerful set of automated analytical tools at the fingertips of your help desk, security operations center, forensic investigators, and even ordinary users. Novice users can get quick answers about suspicious artifacts just by uploading them and reviewing a report, and experts can dive deep into the technical details and behaviors of advanced threats.

Learn More about DarkPoint


CATO: The Next Evolution in Offensive Capabilities

CATO is a cybersecurity operations platform that can be used for red teaming or pen testing to provide insight into an organization's security posture. We strive to increase automation while enabling services that closely match the operational cadence of real-world attacks.

CyberPoint SRT built the CATO model from its combined decades of penetration testing and red team experience. While SRT has had great success helping customers secure their networks by proactively identifying methods of entry, SRT believed there was an opportunity to substantially improve this process to provide more effective results.

Learn More about CATO