Any digital artifact – any file, program, document, image, link, script, or email is potentially malicious. DarkPoint makes it easy to identify which ones actually are, and what you can do about it.


DarkPoint puts a powerful set of automated analytical tools at the fingertips of your help desk, security operations center, forensic investigators, and even ordinary users. Novice users can get quick answers about suspicious artifacts just by uploading them and reviewing a report, and experts can dive deep into the technical details and behaviors of advanced threats.

DarkPoint Benefits

  • It's easy to use and enables novices and experts alike to identify threats fast.
  • Saves time by automating common tasks: virus signature matching, reputation scans, and metadata extraction.
  • Automatically executes cutting-edge analysis: artifact similarity search, severity score assessment, non-signature based threat detection, and more.
  • Automatically decompresses and extracts files from supported archive types.
  • Re-ingests and analyzes new artifacts discovered during analysis (e.g. child malware).
  • Allows users to customize analysis workflows to specific mission needs.
  • Provides easy to understand mitigation strategies.
  • Provides both summary level and in-depth reports.
  • Alerting – publish or push results to common aggregation points (syslog, email, web hooks).
  • Create and share workflows to respond to specific threats, controlling each step of execution based on analysis results.

How DarkPoint Works

DarkPoint scans artifacts for known or unknown threats. Leveraging the power of open-source and patented CyberPoint technology, DarkPoint conducts flexible but powerful analyses of supported file types in near-real-time.

SIGNATURE MATCHING. DarkPoint scans artifacts for known malicious signatures.

EXTRACTION. DarkPoint identifies, decodes, and saves important elements from each artifact. This saves forensic investigations valuable time.

TRANSFORMATION. DarkPoint converts the artifact or its extracted elements into a format suitable for deeper analysis or searching. Where appropriate, it converts the artifact into a readable or previewable form.

EXECUTION. DarkPoint opens or executes the artifact in a carefully instrumented environment, observing and recording its behavior.

SUMMARY. DarkPoint loads and distills its analysis into a human-readable report so you can rapidly assess and mitigate the threat.

DarkPoint automatically identifies known threats, flags suspicious artifacts, and decodes binary files for network and system threat awareness. Its powerful deterministic expert system normalizes an artifact's analytical results and converts them into a clear, actionable report on the threat.

Supported Artifacts

Type Signature Match Extract Transform Execute Summary
Archive (ZIP, RAR, TAR GZ, BZ, 7z) N/A N/A N/A
Portable executable
Executable linker file    
Portable Document Format (PDF)
JavaScript N/A N/A
Electronic mail (email)
Network packet capture  
Windows prefetch   N/A  
Window Registry hives N/A  
SQLite database   N/A  
Android APK    
Java Class
Rich Text Format (RTF)    
X509 certificate   N/A  
Microsoft Office document    
Image (PNG, JPG, GIF)  

What Can I Buy?

Configurations DarkPoint Cloud (DPC)
DarkPoint Enterprise (DPE)
DarkPoint Virtual (DPV)
Customizations* Control the number of sandbox VMs on DPE or DPV
Enable or disable unneeded internal or external analyzers
Spin up additional copies of important analyzers
Data Feeds* Buy a copy of DarkPoint Cloud data (at time of purchase)
Buy regular updates of DarkPoint Cloud
Training* Classes for operation, management and development
Training available at CyberPoint or on-location
Class sizes ranges from 3 to 20 participants

3rd party licenses are required for some external service integration (e.g. distorm, IDAPro, Microsoft Windows 7 (with Office 2007), VirusTotal Signature Match, VirusTotal URL Reputation Lookup, etc.). NOTE: DarkPoint will function as normal without these services.

*Will result in increased cost.

Contact DarkPoint

For our customers, we support incident response with repository querying and analysis. We also respond to customer inquiries about a wide array of infosec topics.

If your organization needs immediate assistance with a suspected or confirmed cyber incident, contact us.

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