Challenge Accepted: CyberPoint is Getting Fit

BALTIMORE, MD (June 24, 2015) — Grab your sneakers and sweatbands! Summer is officially here, and the CyberPoint team kicked it off earlier this month with their third annual Get Fit Challenge, a fun and free group fitness program for all employees. Combining strength, endurance, and good old-fashioned office team building, the cross-fit program has forty participants so far this year — its highest number yet!

Led by none other than CyberPoint's personal employee trainer Garry Dubbs at his gym, the Pandion Performance Center, the Get Fit Challenge makes it possible for even the busiest people to fit a great workout into their schedule. Five separate classes are offered every day, with the earliest beginning at 6:00am and the latest at 5:30pm. The gym is conveniently located next-door at the Power Plant building for easy access. Participants range from managers to interns, and include seasoned athletes who've previously trained with Garry as well as eager newcomers.

"Each year the anticipation has grown," Garry says. "The people who have done it before are very thrilled about what we're doing." Of the new members, he noted that "everyone seems to catch the bug once they get in and do the workouts. I've developed great relationships with people, and the atmosphere creates lots of camaraderie."

Administrative assistant Kelly is a first timer to the challenge, but says she enjoys the program so far and that she would definitely recommend it to other employees and even other companies. "Joining Get Fit helped me change up my routine and do some things I hadn't been doing in the past," Kelly said. "Some of the workouts are very difficult, but Garry challenges your strength and endurance and your mental ability to push through it."

CyberPoint is Getting Fit
Trainer Garry teaches proper lifting techniques to Get Fit participants.

The challenge has significant benefits outside of physical fitness as well: as Garry says, there's something about sweating it out during an intense, semi-weekly, forty-five minute exercise regimen that brings coworkers together like nothing else.

"It gives employees the opportunity to meet other employees that we haven't previously interacted with," Kelly stated. "It gets people moving and out of their desks, and it also helps build teamwork and strengthen employee bonds."

Junior IT Specialist Andrew, now in his second year with the challenge, wholeheartedly agrees. "We get to work out with people that we don't always see — especially since we split up on different floors — and seeing them outside of the office helps the social bonds form."

Of course, no challenge is complete without prizes. While every participant in the challenge gets the confidence and satisfaction of having completed the tough workouts, the most improved employee at the end of August will win a free — and healthy! — dinner with CyberPoint's co-founders, Vicki and Karl, a spot on the Get Fit Challenge plaque, and, best of all, bragging rights for the rest of the year. But watch out — many eyes are on the coveted first place spot. When asked what her goals were for the summer, Kelly responds, "I'm in it to win it. I'm hoping to win the challenge and conquer the rope climb."

CyberPoint is Getting Fit
Mihir, one of CyberPoint's Interns squeezes in his daily workout with the 5:30pm class.

Physical fitness is definitely a challenge, whether you're participating in the program or not. But CyberPoint hopes that hosting the Get Fit Challenge will make it easier for employees to reach physical, mental, and social wellness. But be warned — with hard exercises like squats, burpees, jump roping, and Olympic lifting, the Get Fit Challenge really is a challenge. The hardest part?

"Walking or sitting down after the exercises," Andrew says. We believe you, Andrew.

CyberPoint is Getting Fit
The well-equipped gym is accessible to all CyberPoint employees.

About CyberPoint

At CyberPoint, we work to create a future where individuals and organizations from across the globe can operate safely and securely in cyberspace and benefit from the technological innovations that increasingly connect our world. A rapidly growing cybersecurity company, CyberPoint integrates and delivers innovative, leading-edge services, solutions, and products to protect what's invaluable to customers worldwide. We discover the threats and vulnerabilities that expose data, systems, and infrastructure to compromise, we quantify risks, and we design defenses that provide critical protection. Learn more here.

CONTACT: CyberPoint International, LLC,



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