CyberPoint Helps Prepare First-of-Its-Kind Cyber Jobs Report for Maryland

BALTIMORE, MD (January 10, 2013) — As part of a collaborative effort between industry, the non-profit sector, and public sector organizations, CyberPoint helped to prepare the first Maryland Cyber Jobs Report. This first-of-its-kind study analyzed some 340,000 cybersecurity job offerings at more than 18,000 companies across the United States. It found 19,413 job openings in Maryland (and, over 13,000 of them located in Baltimore City, the city placed third among major cyber hot beds, behind only Palo Alto and San Francisco, California, in the number of available cybersecurity positions.

Maryland's Governor Martin O'Malley said of the report, "This study confirms what we've come to know — from internships and work-study programs for high school and college students, to professional positions for established cyber workers with advanced degrees — Maryland's cybersecurity industry offers an array of opportunities for enterprising individuals. If you're interested in protecting the nation's digital highway, Maryland is the place to be."

The Cyber Jobs Report was funded by the Abell Foundation and coordinated through Baltimore's CyberPoint Technology & Innovation Center. The study represents a collaborative effort by CyberPoint International, CyberMaryland, Welz & Weisel Communications, and their community partners. The report includes a snapshot of the industry, its job openings and educational opportunities, and a proposed standardized cybersecurity nomenclature for this emerging industry.

About CyberMaryland

Launched in January 2010, the CyberMaryland initiative brings together federal, state and local government; private businesses; academia; and workforce to address challenges to the security of our nation's digital infrastructure, reinforce Maryland's leadership in cybersecurity and information technology, and help the fulfill its responsibility to support the nation's cybersecurity mission while maximizing the benefits to and opportunities for Maryland. For more information, visit or subscribe to Cyber Pulse.

About The Abell Foundation

Founded more than half a century ago, The Abell Foundation is dedicated to the enhancement of the quality of life in the City of Baltimore and across the State of Maryland. The organization addresses complex challenges to break through the cycles of urban poverty by creating solutions that are innovative and that ensure accountability. The Abell Foundation's commitment is to give hope by opening the doors of opportunity to the disenfranchised, knowing that no community can succeed and thrive if those who live on the margins are not included. For more information, visit

About the CyberPoint Technology & Innovation Center

The CyberPoint Technology and Innovation Center (CTIC), is a global gateway to cybersecurity innovation, solutions, education, and community. Founded in 2012, the CTIC brings together a global network of individuals and organizations focused on overcoming the extraordinary security challenges in a world increasingly dependent on cyberspace. Our mission is to provide unprecedented access to ideas, information, talent, and technology. Our goals are to break down barriers to innovation, provide opportunities for learning and knowledge sharing, and to build a stronger global cybersecurity community in the process.

About CyberPoint

At CyberPoint, we work to create a future where individuals and organizations from across the globe can operate safely and securely in cyberspace and benefit from the technological innovations that increasingly connect our world. A rapidly growing cybersecurity company, CyberPoint integrates and delivers innovative, leading-edge services, solutions, and products to protect what's invaluable to customers worldwide. We discover the threats and vulnerabilities that expose data, systems, and infrastructure to compromise, we quantify risks, and we design defenses that provide critical protection. Learn more here.

About Welz & Weisel Communications

Founded in 2003, Welz & Weisel Communications is a leading tech PR agency focused on creating proactive, ongoing communications campaigns that yield measurable results for clients in the business-to-business and business-to-government high-technology marketplaces. The firm helps launch, build and sustain communications programs for both privately-held and publicly-traded companies. For more information, visit and connect via Facebook or LinkedIn.



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